
ZFS On proxmox, performance issue.


1. megaclisas-status

The proxmox is in offline environment, so need to get the megaclisas-status packages installed ready.

# sudo docker run -it debian:9.4 /bin/bash
root@f427df462cbd:/# cat /etc/debian_version 
root@f427df462cbd:/# apt-get install -y vim
root@f427df462cbd:/# vim apt.conf.d/docker-clean 
Comment all
root@f427df462cbd:/# apt-get install -y wget gnupg2
# wget -O - https://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian/hwraid.le-vert.net.gpg.key | apt-key add -
# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch main
deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch-updates main
deb http://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian stretch main
# apt-get update -y
# apt-get install megaclisas-status
# cd /var/cache/
# find . | grep deb$ | xargs -I % cp % /root/deb/

Transfer the debs into the promox machine, install it via:

# cd /root/deb/
# dpkg -i daemon_0.6.4-1+b2_amd64.deb megacli*
root@ks:~/deb# megaclisas-status 
-- Controller information --
-- ID | H/W Model | RAM    | Temp | BBU    | Firmware     
c0    | SAS3108 | 1024MB | 64C  | Absent | FW: 24.7.0-0057 

-- Array information --
-- ID | Type   |    Size |  Strpsz |   Flags | DskCache |   Status |  OS Path | CacheCade |InProgress   
c0u0  | RAID-1 |    558G |  256 KB |   RA,WT |  Default |  Optimal | /dev/sda | None      |None         
c0u1  | RAID-5 |   7271G |  256 KB | ADRA,WT |  Default |  Optimal | /dev/sdb | None      |None         
c0u2  | RAID-5 |   7271G |  256 KB | ADRA,WT |  Default |  Optimal | /dev/sdc | None      |None         
c0u3  | RAID-5 |   7271G |  256 KB | ADRA,WT |  Default |  Optimal | /dev/sdd | None      |None         
c0u4  | RAID-5 |   7271G |  256 KB | ADRA,WT |  Default |  Optimal | /dev/sde | None      |No

Change the properties:

root@ks:~/deb# megacli -LDGetProp -Cache -LALL -a0
Adapter 0-VD 0(target id: 0): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 1(target id: 1): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 2(target id: 2): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 3(target id: 3): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 4(target id: 4): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU

Exit Code: 0x00
root@ks:~/deb# megacli -LDSetProp NORA -LALL -a0
Set Read Policy to NoReadAhead on Adapter 0, VD 0 (target id: 0) success
Set Read Policy to NoReadAhead on Adapter 0, VD 1 (target id: 1) success
Set Read Policy to NoReadAhead on Adapter 0, VD 2 (target id: 2) success
Set Read Policy to NoReadAhead on Adapter 0, VD 3 (target id: 3) success
Set Read Policy to NoReadAhead on Adapter 0, VD 4 (target id: 4) success

Exit Code: 0x00
root@ks:~/deb# megacli -LDGetProp -Cache -LALL -a0
Adapter 0-VD 0(target id: 0): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 1(target id: 1): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 2(target id: 2): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 3(target id: 3): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU
Adapter 0-VD 4(target id: 4): Cache Policy:WriteThrough, ReadAheadNone, Direct, No Write Cache if bad BBU

Exit Code: 0x00

Hope this will greately improve performance.

Notice(For disk cache):

Optional toppings for most LD configurations:
WT :      WriteThrough   safer.  Only returns once data is written to disk.
WB:       WriteBack       faster.  Returns as soon as data is is written to cache
NORA :  No Read Ahead   vs
RA:        ReadAhead   vs
ADRA :   Adaptive ReadAhead where if the previous two requests were sequential, it pre-loads the next in sequence.
Cached:  Cache reads.
Direct:    Only the previous read is cached.
-strpszM      : Stripe size      so -strpsz64 means 64kb stripe size.
Hsp[E0:S0] : Choose this drive to be a hot-spare



Working directory:

# /home/xxxx/Code/vagrant/ai_k8s/RONG/package/files/Rong
# vagrant status
Current machine states:

outnode-1                 running (libvirt)

A running k8s cluster:

[root@outnode-1 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)
[root@outnode-1 ~]# kubectl get nodes
outnode-1   Ready    master   32m   v1.14.1

Configure repository:

# mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# mv *.repo /root/
# vim cdrom.repo
# yum makecache
# yum install -y vim git nfs-utils rpcbind

Configure nfs server:

# mkdir -p /opt/nfs
# vim /etc/exports
/opt/nfs  *(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
# service rpcbind start
# service nfs start
# systemctl enable nfs-server
# systemctl start nfs-server
# systemctl enable nfs.service
# systemctl enable rpcbind

Configure helm via:

# helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
# helm install stable/nfs-client-provisioner --set nfs.server= --set nfs.path=/opt/nfs
# kubectl get sc
nfs-client   cluster.local/righteous-condor-nfs-client-provisioner   7m8s
# kubectl edit sc nfs-client
kind: StorageClass
    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"


Clone the source code from github:

# git clone https://github.com/IBM/FfDL.git

TOO many errors here. To be continue.






1. registry on k8s?   
2. harbor on k8s?   

AI on K8s







For enabling local storage provision on kubespray, and make use of the local disk for pod storage usage.


Enable the local storage pool via:

# vim inventory/sample/group_vars/k8s-cluster/addons.yml
	# Rancher Local Path Provisioner
	local_path_provisioner_enabled: true
	# Local volume provisioner deployment
	local_volume_provisioner_enabled: true
	local_volume_provisioner_namespace: kube-system
	    host_dir: /mnt/disks
	    mount_dir: /mnt/disks
	    host_dir: /mnt/fast-disks
	    mount_dir: /mnt/fast-disks
	      - "/scripts/shred.sh"
	      - "2"
	    volume_mode: Filesystem
	    fs_type: ext4


Prepare the local storage via:

# mkdir -p  /mnt/fast-disks/vol-alertmanager-res-alertmanager-0
# mkdir -p  /mnt/fast-disks/vol-prometheus-res-prometheus-0
# mkdir -p  /mnt/fast-disks/es-data-es-data-efk-cluster-default-0
# mkdir -p  /mnt/fast-disks/es-data-es-master-efk-cluster-default-0
# truncate /mnt/vol-alertmanager-res-alertmanager-0 --size 20G
# truncate /mnt/vol-prometheus-res-prometheus-0 --size 20G
# truncate /mnt/es-data-es-data-efk-cluster-default-0 --size 10G
# truncate /mnt/es-data-es-master-efk-cluster-default-0 --size 10G
# mkfs.ext4 /mnt/vol-alertmanager-res-alertmanager-0
# mkfs.ext4 /mnt/vol-prometheus-res-prometheus-0
# mkfs.ext4 /mnt/es-data-es-data-efk-cluster-default-0
# mkfs.ext4 /mnt/es-data-es-master-efk-cluster-default-0

Edit the /etc/fstab for mounting them automatically:

/mnt/vol-alertmanager-res-alertmanager-0	/mnt/fast-disks/vol-alertmanager-res-alertmanager-0 ext4	rw 0	1	
/mnt/vol-prometheus-res-prometheus-0	/mnt/fast-disks/vol-prometheus-res-prometheus-0	ext4	rw	0	1
/mnt/es-data-es-data-efk-cluster-default-0	/mnt/fast-disks/es-data-es-data-efk-cluster-default-0	ext4	rw	0	1
/mnt/es-data-es-master-efk-cluster-default-0	/mnt/fast-disks/es-data-es-master-efk-cluster-default-0	ext4	rw	0	1


I prepare the storage for I use them in helm/charts, and helm/charts automatically request the storage from storage class, thus I have to make /mnt/fast-disks as the default storage class.

# kubectl edit sc fast-disks
kind: StorageClass
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
+    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"


root@localnode-1:/mnt# kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE    NAME                                      STATUS   VOLUME              CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
logging      es-data-es-data-efk-cluster-default-0     Bound    local-pv-7d48bf57   20Gi       RWO            fast-disks     4h17m
logging      es-data-es-master-efk-cluster-default-0   Bound    local-pv-64a35d15   20Gi       RWO            fast-disks     4h17m
monitoring   vol-alertmanager-res-alertmanager-0       Bound    local-pv-24ed6560   20Gi       RWO            fast-disks     4h21m
monitoring   vol-prometheus-res-prometheus-0           Bound    local-pv-e998c4c2   20Gi       RWO            fast-disks     4h21m


  1. Now to enlarge the disk?


In a minimum installed system, do following:

# mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
# vim  /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo 
# yum makecache
# cat /mnt/repodata/764ce0e938d43b3e9cb1bcca13cf71630aac0c44149f4a61548f642df3c70858-comps-Server.x86_64.xml

Around Line 937-1031, get all of the packges:

# cat list1.txt | awk -F '>' {'print $2'} | awk -F '<' {'print $1'} 

According to the output, install all of the packges:

yum install -y Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-en-US
yum install -y audit
yum install -y tboot
yum install -y NetworkManager-config-server

Now do following for getting all of the packages:

# for i in `rpm -qa`; do echo $i.rpm|xargs -I % cp /mnt/Packages/% /root/pkgs; done

Added Base group:

# sed -n 483,632p /mnt/repodata/764ce0e938d43b3e9cb1bcca13cf71630aac0c44149f4a61548f642df3c70858-comps-Server.x86_64.xml  | awk -F '>' {'print $2'} | awk -F '<' {'print $1'} | xargs -I % yum install -y %
# for i in `rpm -qa`; do echo $i.rpm|xargs -I % cp /mnt/Packages/% /root/pkgs; done

Upload the Packages to building server, then:

# mv repodata/ /root/whole_repodata
# mv Packages/ /root/whole_Packages
# mv /root/thinrepodata/ repodata
# mv /root/pkgs/ Packages
# cp repodata/764ce0e938d43b3e9cb1bcca13cf71630aac0c44149f4a61548f642df3c70858-comps-Server.x86_64.xml .
# createrepo -g 764ce0e938d43b3e9cb1bcca13cf71630aac0c44149f4a61548f642df3c70858-comps-Server.x86_64.xml  .
# mkisofs -o /root/new.iso  -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat --no-emul-boot --boot-load-size 4 --boot-info-table -J -R -V "RHEL-7.4\x20Server.x86_64" . 

Your /root/new.iso will be much more smaller, cause it only contains Core and Base group packages.