
Before building, enable all of the deb-src items.


sudo apt build-dep linux linux-image-unsigned-$(uname -r)
sudo apt install libncurses-dev gawk flex bison openssl libssl-dev dkms libelf-dev libudev-dev libpci-dev libiberty-dev autoconf llvm
sudo apt install git

apt source linux-image-unsigned-$(uname -r)
chmod a+x debian/rules
chmod a+x debian/scripts/*
chmod a+x debian/scripts/misc/*
fakeroot debian/rules clean

Edit the items:

vim debian.xxxx/config/annotations
Change the items you want to change, for example:    
 cat /boot/config-5.4.0-150-generic | grep -i module_force

Edit the configurations:

fakeroot debian/rules editconfigs
fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic binary-perarch

Then after building you could get deb generated.


Server startup via:

# vim docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

    external: false

    container_name: hbbs
      - 21115:21115
      - 21116:21116
      - 21116:21116/udp
      - 21118:21118
    image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest
    command: hbbs -r
      - ./data:/root
      - rustdesk-net
      - hbbr
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: hbbr
      - 21117:21117
      - 21119:21119
    image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest
    command: hbbr
      - ./data:/root
      - rustdesk-net
    restart: unless-stopped
# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Inspect the running docker instance:

 sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS       PORTS                                                                                                                                                                 NAMES
5e5ea15264d5   rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest   "hbbs -r…"   2 hours ago    Up 2 hours>21115-21116/tcp, :::21115-21116->21115-21116/tcp,>21118/tcp, :::21118->21118/tcp,>21116/udp, :::21116->21116/udp   hbbs
6206c4cbb810   rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest   "hbbr"                   2 hours ago    Up 2 hours>21117/tcp, :::21117->21117/tcp,>21119/tcp, :::21119->21119/tcp                                                                          hbbr

Configuration on this server:


The key is filled with following steps:

[dash@shidaarch ~]$ cd rustdeck/data/
[dash@shidaarch data]$ ls
db_v2.sqlite3  db_v2.sqlite3-shm  db_v2.sqlite3-wal  id_ed25519  id_ed25519.pub
[dash@shidaarch data]$ cat id_ed25519.pub 



Change hostname and print system info:

# hostnamectl set-hostname multiubuntu
# exit
Connection to closed.
$ ssh root@
root@multiubuntu:~# uname -a
Linux multiubuntu 5.15.0-117-generic #127-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 5 20:13:28 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@multiubuntu:~# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS \n \l

Install xfce4(Using xfce4 for demo):

# apt install -y xfce4

Create 10 test users, change shell, change passwd:

$ for i in {1..10}; do useradd -m test$i; done
$ sudo ls /home
test  test1  test10  test2  test3  test4  test5  test6  test7  test8  test9
$ for i in {1..10}; do chsh -s /bin/bash test$i; done
$ vim bulkpasswords
$ chpasswd < bulkpasswords 

Define every user’s .xinitrc:

# cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc .
# vim xinitrc
    # invoke global X session script
    #. /etc/X11/Xsession
    exec dbus-run-session -- startxfce4
# for i in {1..10}; do  cp xinitrc /home/test$i/.xinitrc; done

Change the available ttys:

# vim /etc/systemd/logind.conf

Change the bash profile for each user:

# cat bash_profile_example
# ~/.bash_profile

[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$XDG_VTNR" = TOBEREPLACED ]; then
  exec startx &>/dev/null
# for i in {1..10}; do cp /root/bash_profile_example /home/test$i/.bash_profile; sed -i "s/TOBEREPLACED/$i/g" /home/test$i/.bash_profile; chown -R test$i /home/test$i/.bash_profile; done

Add all user to autologin:

# groupadd -r autologin
# for i in {1..10}; do gpasswd -a test$i autologin; done

autologin template file:

ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/agetty --skip-login --nonewline --noissue --autologin TOBEREPLACED --noclear %I $TERM

Add autologin service:

root@multi:~# cat autologin.conf 
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --skip-login --nonewline --noissue --autologin TOBEREPLACED --noclear %I $TERM
# for i in {1..50}; do mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty$i.service.d/; done
for i in {1..50}; do cp autologin.conf /etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty$i.service.d/; sed -i "s/TOBEREPLACED/test$i/g" /etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty$i.service.d/autologin.conf; done

Now add autologin crontab:

# crontab -e
@reboot sleep 10 && /usr/bin/chvtsh.sh

Create chvtsh.sh:

while ! ps -p $(pgrep Xorg) > /dev/null; do
  echo "Waiting for xorg to start...">>/tmp/waitdone.txt
  sleep 1
echo "xorg started, switching to console 2">>/tmp/waitdone.txt
sleep 5
for i in {2..50}
	chvt $i
	systemctl start getty@tty$i
	sleep 5

Enable the getty@tty1:

# systemctl set-default multi-user.target
# systemctl enable getty@tty1


Create users:

for i in {1..20}; do  useradd -m test$i; done

Create a bulkpasswords file:

test1: goeugoogue
test2: gowguowgow

Change password:

chpasswd < bulkpasswords 

Copy the getty service:

 for i in {7..21}; do cp -r getty\@tty6.service.d/ getty\@tty$i.service.d; done

change the systemd files:

[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty7.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty6.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty8.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty9.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty10.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty11.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty12.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty13.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty14.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty15.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty16.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty17.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty18.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty19.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty20.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# vim getty\@tty6.service.d/autologin.conf 
[root@archremote system]# cat getty\@tty6.service.d/autologin.conf 
#ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -f -- \\u' --noclear --autologin dash %I $TERM
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --skip-login --nonewline --noissue --autologin test6 --noclear %I $TERM
for i in {6..20}; do cp /home/test1/.bash_profile /home/test$i/.bash_profile && chown -R test$i /home/test$i/.bash_profile; done
vim /home/test6/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test7/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test8/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test9/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test10/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test11/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test12/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test13/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test14/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test15/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test16/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test17/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test18/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test19/.bash_profile 
vim /home/test20/.bash_profile 
for i in {6..20}; do cp /home/test1/.xinitrc /home/test$i/.xinitrc; chmod 777 /home/test$i/.xinitrc; done

Example for bash_profile:

[root@archremote ~]# cat /home/test18/.bash_profile
# ~/.bash_profile

[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$XDG_VTNR" = 18 ]; then
  exec startx &>/dev/null

Added autologin:

 gpasswd -a test7 autologin
 for i in {8..20}; do gpasswd -a test$i autologin; done

crontab for activating this:

[root@archremote ~]# cat /usr/bin/chvtsh.sh 
while ! ps -p $(pgrep Xorg) > /dev/null; do
  echo "Waiting for xorg to start...">>/tmp/waitdone.txt
  sleep 1
echo "xorg started, switching to console 2">>/tmp/waitdone.txt
sleep 15
chvt 2
sleep 5
chvt 3
sleep 5
chvt 4
sleep 5
chvt 5
sleep 5
chvt 6
sleep 5
chvt 7
systemctl start getty@tty7
sleep 5
chvt 8
systemctl start getty@tty8
sleep 5
chvt 9
systemctl start getty@tty9
[root@archremote ~]# crontab -l
@reboot sleep 10 && /usr/bin/chvtsh.sh


Modification on grub default parameters:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash iommu=pt amd_iommu=on initcall_blacklist=sysfb_init pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction"

Remove some items in nova:

$ vim /etc/nova/nova.conf
virt_type = kvm
cpu_mode = host-passthrough
qemu_envs = QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=pa,QEMU_PA_SERVER=/run/user/1000/pulse/native
#qemu_envs = QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=pa
#qemu_args = -set,device.hostdev0.x-igd-opregion=on, -set,device.hostdev0.x-igd-gms=2, -set,device.hostdev0.romfile=/usr/share/OVMF/adls-1085.rom, -set,device.hostdev0.multifunction=on

Modification on libvirt hooks:

$ vim /etc/libvirt/hook/vfio-startup
# 1. find the graphical card and its associated devices in the same pci slot, record its pci id
# 1.1 find vgaid via lspci 
vgaid=`lspci | grep -i vga | awk {'print $1'}`
# 1.2 find iommu file in /sys 
vgaiommufile=`find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l | grep $vgaid`
# 1.3 retrieve the iommu fold, which contains other device which should be processed in next step
vgaiommudir=`dirname $vgaiommufile`
# 1.4 record the system device driver in dic devicedriver
declare -A devicedriver
for i in `ls $vgaiommudir`; do devicedriver[$i]=`lspci -v -s $i | grep 'Kernel driver in use' | awk -F ': ' {'print $2'}`;done
# 1.5 record the pciid in dic pciid
declare -A pciid
for i in `ls $vgaiommudir`; do pciid[$i]=`lspci -n -s $i | awk -F ' ' {'print $3'}`;done
# 1.6 write devicedriver and pciid in /tmp
rm -f /tmp/devicedriver
rm -f /tmp/pciid
for i in `echo "${!devicedriver[@]}"`; do echo $i "${devicedriver[$i]}">>/tmp/devicedriver;done
for i in `echo "${!pciid[@]}"`; do echo $i "${pciid[$i]}">>/tmp/pciid;done

# 2.  unbind the current activated device driver mode
# example: echo "0000:06:00.0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/amdgpu/unbind
while IFS= read -r line; do
  pci_no=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
  driver_name=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2)
  echo $pci_no > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/$driver_name/unbind
done < /tmp/devicedriver

# 3. echo new_id to vfio-pci
# example echo $igd_id > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/new_id
while IFS= read -r line; do
  pci_id=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2)
  echo $pci_id > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/new_id
done < /tmp/pciid

# Old Logical for gen10/gen12
#igd_id="8086 $(lspci -n|grep '0:02.0'|cut -d ':' -f4|cut -c 1-4)"
#echo 0000:00:02.0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/i915/unbind
#if ! lsmod | grep "vfio_pci" &> /dev/null ; then
#    modprobe vfio-pci
#echo $igd_id > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/new_id
#echo $usb_id > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/new_id

Also change teardown hook:

$ vim /etc/libvirt/hook/vfio-teardown.sh

# 1. unbind all of the vfio-pci items
# Example:  echo $igd_id > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/remove_id
while IFS= read -r line; do
  pci_id=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2)
  echo $pci_id > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/remove_id
done < /tmp/pciid
# 2. re-bind system device driver
# example: echo "0000:06:00.0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/radeon/unbind
while IFS= read -r line; do
  pci_no=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f1)
  driver_name=$(echo "$line" | cut -d' ' -f2)
  echo $pci_no > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/$driver_name/bind
done < /tmp/devicedriver

Change the nova’s libvirt items:

$ vim /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py
            with open('/tmp/pciid', 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    #print(line.strip().split(' ')[0])
                    pci = vconfig.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI()
                    pci_addr = (line.strip().split(' ')[0])
                    pci.address = pci_addr
                    dbs, sep, pci.function = pci_addr.partition('.')
                    pci.domain, pci.bus, pci.slot = dbs.split(':')
                    if CONF.libvirt.virt_type in ('xen', 'parallels',):
                        pci.managed = 'no'
                    if CONF.libvirt.virt_type in ('kvm', 'qemu'):
                        pci.managed = 'yes'

$ vim /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/config.py

    def _format_os(self, root):
        os = etree.Element("os")
        type_node = self._text_node("type", self.os_type)
        type_node.set("machine", "pc-q35-8.0")

# rm -f /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.pyc 
# rm -f /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/config.pyc 

But this will cause the libvirt won’t startup, cause it will need /tmp/pciid file available before creating vms, so we have to change the items for generating pciids:

$ sudo vim /bin/detectgpu.sh

# 1. find the graphical card and its associated devices in the same pci slot, record its pci id
# 1.1 find vgaid via lspci 
vgaid=`lspci | grep -i vga | awk {'print $1'}`
# 1.2 find iommu file in /sys 
vgaiommufile=`find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l | grep $vgaid`
# 1.3 retrieve the iommu fold, which contains other device which should be processed in next step
vgaiommudir=`dirname $vgaiommufile`
# 1.4 record the system device driver in dic devicedriver
declare -A devicedriver
for i in `ls $vgaiommudir`; do devicedriver[$i]=`lspci -v -s $i | grep 'Kernel driver in use' | awk -F ': ' {'print $2'}`;done
# 1.5 record the pciid in dic pciid
declare -A pciid
for i in `ls $vgaiommudir`; do pciid[$i]=`lspci -n -s $i | awk -F ' ' {'print $3'}`;done
# 1.6 write devicedriver and pciid in /tmp
rm -f /tmp/devicedriver
rm -f /tmp/pciid
for i in `echo "${!devicedriver[@]}"`; do echo $i "${devicedriver[$i]}">>/tmp/devicedriver;done
for i in `echo "${!pciid[@]}"`; do echo $i "${pciid[$i]}">>/tmp/pciid;done

Now remove items in hooks’s vfio-startup.sh.

Add this script in crontab:

crontab -e
@reboot /bin/detectgpu.sh

Finally we will get the amd 520 running on hygon machine.