Things to be done(5)

Following things should be done in recent days:

  • RaspberryPI’s Operating System make
  • How to change the default theme of octopress
  • Translation of RaspberrPI Cambridge lessons
  • Setup a repository on github which holds raspberryPI relasted code
  • How to view sound card parameters

Chinese Localization in ArchLinux

1. Soving the chinese Garbled in vim:

	set fileencodings=utf8,cp936,gb18030,big5

2. Install chinese fonts:


3. Copy files from linux to windows or other systems:
You should do like following:

mount /dev/sdc /mnt
#copy all of the pdf into the directory
	export LANG="zh_CN.utf8"
	export LC_ALL="zh_CN.utf8"
	mount /dev/sdc /mnt -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8
	cp /chinese/*** /YourDestination

4. Using ftp for uploading files.
In filezilla, Choose charset to gb2312, like following:


5. mount in specified charset

	mount -t vfat -o  iocharset=gb2312 -o  codepage=936 /dev/sdc /mnt

6. Changing existing names:

	convmv -f UTF-8 -t GBK --notest utf8编码的文件名

Cut your pdf into 6 inch in Linux

###Preparation Yaourt briss will show the following result:

	1 aur/briss 0.9-2 (58)
	    Java tool to crop pages of PDF documents to one or more regions selected with a GUI.
	==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)

Install it and now we will going to cut our pdfs. ###Cutting First you can manually cut your pdf, and set it to fit your own size.Simply input “briss” then you can got a window for your operation.
Or via command line:

	$ briss -s Your_pdf.pdf

The result is listed as following:


###Tips How to resize your image to fixed size:

	$ convert -resize 1000x from.jpg to.jpg

Enable enc28j60 on Raspberry PI

###Kernel Source Preparation Install libncurses5-dev for make menuconfig

	$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
	$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Get the source code and configure the kernel modules
	git clone --depth 1
	cd linux
	zcat /proc/config.gz >.config
	edit .config and enable

The Configuration image listed as following:


###Wiring Preparation

	ENC - RPi
	VCC - 3v3
	CS - CE0 (gpio 8)
	SI - MOSI (gpio 10)
	SCK - SCKL (gpio 11)
	SO - MISO (gpio 9)

Rapsberry PI GPIO Description:




###Speedup compiling Using cross-compiler:
Resolve the cross-compiler issue:

	[root@XXXyyy lib]# cp
	[root@XXXyyy lib]# pwd

The yaourt’s cross-compiler is not ok, so we need to use official cross-compiler, download it from :

	$ git clone git://
	#### Install crosscompiler for RaspberryPI ####
	$ export PATH="/media/x/vmware/rasp/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian/bin:$PATH"

Then you can use cross-compiler to compile your own kernel image and kernel modules.

Things to be done(4)

Transfer Chinese to Pinyin using bash or python.
__How to cut the pdf and generate the suitable version in Linux. __