Run mini_snmpd on OpenWRT

###OpenWRT Configuration Install mini_snmpd:

	$ opkg update
	$ opkg install mini-snmpd

Configure mini_snmpd: mainly changes: option enabled 1, then change the option contact and location. But infact we can only fetch list interfaces in cacti:

	root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/mini_snmpd 
	config mini_snmpd
		option enabled 1
		option ipv6 0
		option community 'public'
		option contact ''
		option location 'Asia/China/Nanjing'
		# enable basic disk usage statistics on specified mountpoint
		list disks '/jffs'
		list disks '/tmp'
		# enable basic network statistics on specified interface
		# 4 interfaces maximum, as named in /etc/config/network
		list interfaces 'loopback'
		list interfaces 'lan'
		list interfaces 'wan'

Restart the mini_snmpd:

	$ /etc/init.d/mini_snmpd restart

###Cacti Configuration Add a new device named OpenWRT, the configuration may like following:

	Change the Host Template to Generic SNMP-enabled Host
	Downed Device Detection - Ping
	Ping Method - ICMP Ping

Then you can add your own data sources, graph templates, new graph, new graph Trees, then display them. the picture may looks like as following:

Alt text

Add optional data into snmpd

###Prepare the script We get the current system load from /proc/loadavg:

	[Trusty@XXXyyy ~]$ cat /bin/
	echo .
	cat /proc/loadavg | awk {'print $1'}

Then we have to add this script to our /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf:

	extend . online_monitor /bin/sh /bin/

Restart the service:

	systemctl restart snmpd

Use snmpwalk to view the newly added item:

	snmpwalk -v 2c -c public .

###Fetch the data See the following data is what we want:

	root@ubuntu:/etc# snmpwalk -v 2c -c public .
	iso. = STRING: "0.77"

###Draw images in cacti First, add a data templates:
Console->Data Templates->Add,
Data Template Name: MonitorArchCustomized
Data Source Name: |host_description|-MonitorArchCustomized
Data Input Method: Get SNMP Data
Associated RRA’s: Hourly(1 Minutes Average)
Internal Data Source Name: MonitorArchCustom
Then click “Create”
some additional field will be displayed, in the newly field “Custom Data [data input: Get SNMP Data]” insert the OID field with “.”(which you got from the snmpwalk output result)

Second, add a graph templates:
Templat Name: MonitorArchCustomized
Graph template Title: |host_description|-MonitorArchCustomized
Create and then insert the Graph Template Items, add like following:

	Graph Item 	Data Source 	Graph Item Type 	CF Type 	Item Color
	Item # 1 	(MonitorArchCustom): 	AREA 	AVERAGE 	  	FF00FF 	Move Down Move Up 	Delete
	Item # 2 	(MonitorArchCustom): 	GPRINT 	LAST 	  	F5F800 	Move Down Move Up 	Delete
	Item # 3 	(MonitorArchCustom): Average 	GPRINT 	AVERAGE 	  	8D85F3 	Move Down Move Up 	Delete
	Item # 4 	(MonitorArchCustom): MAX 	GPRINT 	MAX 	  	005D57 	Move Down Move Up 	Delete

Also notice the Data Source should be MonitorArchCustom.

Third, add a new graph under Host of ArchLinux.
Select the Graph template and then click Create.

After some minutes, you will see the newly captured data and the images under graphs-> Arch-> Host:ArchLinux. Maybe Your graphs trees are not the same as mine, you got found your own location.


Cacti and snmpd

On the machine being monitored, check the snmpd configuration file, you will find some items like following:

	$ cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
	rocommunity public 
	rwcommunity admin
	agentaddress tcp:161
	If you want to enable Location and contact, add:
	syslocation Bat. C2

On the monitor PC, we can use following command to view the monitored machine’s status:

	$ snmpwalk -c Trusty -v 2c
	$ snmpwalk -c Trusty -v 2c

How to configure cacti

Add a new device for monitoring: Console-> Management->Devices, add new, the configuration should like following:

Alt text

After save, you should view the result displayed like:

	ArchLinux ( 
	 SNMP Information
	System:Linux DashArch 3.11.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 18 23:22:36 CEST
	 2013 x86_64
	Uptime: 1137 (0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes)
	Hostname: DashArch
	Location: Unknown
	Contact: root@localhost

Draw disks

Add following line into snmpd.conf


But I failed, later will change. ###Add Graphs Click “Create Graphs for this Host”, then you will asked to add the graphs.
After you add the graphs, add a new graph trees. Then add a Tree Items, Parent -> [root] Tree Item Type –> Host, Host –> ArchLinux(, then save.
Now click on graphs, you can get your tree and view all of the images.
###Add Device for Winxp Install the snmp service under control pannel.
enable the snmp service in Administration tools -> Service.
In cacti, add a new equipment, host templates choose “Windows 2000/XP host” , Downed Device Detection choose “SNMP uptime” , then add your own data source and graphics.

NetBSD Start

###Installation and Configuration Download the install.iso and install it in the virtualbox.
Then add http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, ftps_proxy into the .profile file.
visudo add the current user to the sudo list, then add Defaults env_keep to the http_proxy, etc, because we want to use pkg_add under the sudo priviledge.

###Updating the software repository snapshot Edit the Package path via:

	 export PKG_PATH=`machine -a`/

Update the ports configuration database:

	$ cd /tmp
	$ ftp
	$ cd /usr
	$ sudo tar xzf /tmp/ports.tar.gz

Now you got the updated port information.

###Search and install specified packages via ports system Take vim installation for example:

	$ cd /usr/ports
	$ make key=vim describe
	$ make search key=****
	$ cd /usr/ports/editors/vim
	$ sudo make install
	$ sudo make install clean clean-depends

Then the ports will take a long,long time to download all of the packages and start to build. Strangely, this command installed gvim into the system.

My Translator in ArchLinux+Awesome(2)

###Prefix 3 days ago I wrote a simple translator on my ArchLinux which could pop-up a notification window when I query a word. But when I use it at company it failed. Becaus the firewall has banned the communication to Google’s API. Thus I have to write another version of translator, which could get the result from the local database. ###Preparation python-stardict is a great library for querying word from stardict’s dictionary, you can get it via:

	$ git clone

Also you have to download stardict’s dictionary from, you can choose whatever you like dictionary, then uncompress it into your python-stardict located directory. ###Coding Open with your favorite editor, adding a function at the end of the file. The code snippet is listed as following:

def my_read_dict_info():
    my_ifo_file = "/home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2/langdao-ec-gb.ifo"
    my_idx_file = "/home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2/langdao-ec-gb.idx"
    my_dict_file = "/home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2/"
    #########Uncomment them for other dictionaries ######
    #my_dict_file = "stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_gcide-2.4.2/"
    #my_idx_file = "stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_gcide-2.4.2/dictd_www.dict.org_gcide.idx"
    #my_ifo_file = "stardict-dictd_www.dict.org_gcide-2.4.2/dictd_www.dict.org_gcide.ifo"
    #my_ifo_file = "stardict-longman-2.4.2/longman.ifo"
    #my_idx_file = "stardict-longman-2.4.2/longman.idx"
    #my_dict_file = "stardict-longman-2.4.2/"
    my_ifo_reader = IfoFileReader(my_ifo_file)
    my_idx_reader = IdxFileReader(my_idx_file)
    my_dict_reader = DictFileReader(my_dict_file, my_ifo_reader, my_idx_reader, True)
    cmdargs = str(sys.argv) ## args
    result = my_dict_reader.get_dict_by_word(str(sys.argv[1]))  ## Using args[1] for querying
    print result[0].values()[0]		## output result in terminal
    result_str = "\'<span color=\"green\" size=\"14000\">"+result[0].values()[0]+"</span>\'"	## Build the command line for notify-send
    #print result_str
    call(["notify-send", str(sys.argv[1]), result_str])		## Call notify-send to print on screen, last for 5 seconds
    #call(["echo", commandstr])
    #output = subprocess.check_output(["echo", commandstr])
    #p1 = subprocess.Popen(['echo','-e', commandstr], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    #p1 = subprocess.Popen(['printf', commandstr], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    #p2 = subprocess.Popen(['awesome-client', '-'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    #output = p2.communicate()[0]
    #print "*****"
    #print output

# read_ifo_file("stardict-cedict-gb-2.4.2/cedict-gb.ifo")
# read_idx_file("stardict-cedict-gb-2.4.2/cedict-gb.idx")
# read_dict_info()

Clean code:

def my_read_dict_info():
    my_ifo_file = "/home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2/langdao-ec-gb.ifo"
    my_idx_file = "/home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2/langdao-ec-gb.idx"
    my_dict_file = "/home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/stardict-langdao-ec-gb-2.4.2/"
    my_ifo_reader = IfoFileReader(my_ifo_file)
    my_idx_reader = IdxFileReader(my_idx_file)
    my_dict_reader = DictFileReader(my_dict_file, my_ifo_reader, my_idx_reader, True)
    cmdargs = str(sys.argv) ## args
    result = my_dict_reader.get_dict_by_word(str(sys.argv[1]))  ## Using args[1] for querying
    print result[0].values()[0]		## output result in terminal
    result_str = "\'<span color=\"green\" size=\"14000\">"+result[0].values()[0]+"</span>\'"	## Build the command line for notify-send
    call(["notify-send", str(sys.argv[1]), result_str])		## Call notify-send to print on screen, last for 5 seconds


###Configuration You can add an alias into your ~/.bashrc

	alias mydict='python2 /home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/'

Or you can add an executable file named /bin/mydic which contains:

python2 /home/Trusty/code/python/python-stardict/ $@

###Result See the following images for result:

Alt text
Alt text

The query result will vanished in 5 seconds. ###TBD

  • How to automatically record every query?
  • How to replace the python-stardict with my own library(Written in C, much more fast?)?
  • How to automatically judge english/chinese, or other languages?
  • Considering Error Handling.