Use Eclipse and C/C++ to develop on Beaglebone

###Local Development on Beaglebone board. On Beagle to verify local development:

	#include <iostream>
	using namespace std;
	int main()
		cout<<"Hello Beagle World!"<<endl;
		return 0;

Compile and run:

	$ g++ -o test test.cpp
	$ ./test
	Hello Beagle World!

###Using Cross-compiler for developing applications for Beaglebone Launch eclipse, then install new software via help-> Install new software, make sure installed CDT. then we will install RSE.

	$ pwd
	cp -ar /home/Trusty/Downloads/RSE/eclipse/features/* ./
	cd ../plugins/
	cp -ar /home/Trusty/Downloads/RSE/eclipse/plugins/* ./

This installed the RSE(Remote System Explorer). We can use it for browsing the remote beaglebone board.

dhcpd address assignment rules

1. Configure the following rules under OpenWRT router:

config host
	option name 'beaglebone'
	option ip ''

And in configuration webpage we can see the requiment is like following:


2. Now reboot beagle board, to see the client’s caught ip address:

	root@beaglebone:~# ifconfig
	eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr xx:cx:gaoguogueogu  
	          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
	          inet6 addr: fe80::9259:afff:fe65:d98c/64 Scope:Link

Also in OpenWRT router we can see the attached pc:


This indicate the client-id specified assignment could judged by dhcpd to assign the specified address

Play Music On OpenWRT

1. Install usbutils, this will enable you to use lsusb to detect your usb equipments.

	$ opkg install usbutils

2. Use lsusb to detect your usb audio card.

	# root@OpenWrt:~# lsusb
	Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
	Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1a40:0101 TERMINUS TECHNOLOGY INC. USB-2.0 4-Port HUB
	Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0781:557c SanDisk Corp. 
	Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0424:2507 Standard Microsystems Corp. 
	Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0e5c:6441 Bitland Information Technology Co., Ltd C-Media Sound Device
	Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0e5c:6119 Bitland Information Technology Co., Ltd remote receive and control device

Now we will see the C-Media Sound Device has been detected in our own openwrt equipment. 3. Install usb audio kernel support modules:

	$ opkg install kmod-usb-audio

4. Install madplay for playing audio files:

	$ opkg install madplay

5. For configuring the sound, install alsa-utils.

	$ opkg install alsa-utils

6. Install madplayer for playing mp3

	$ opkg install madplayer

When Playing mp3, the cpu usage is only around 20%, and we can satisfy the volumn using alsamixer.




Baking Pi一共有11个章节,已经翻译了7章,剩下4章。篇幅也不是很多,但是有点儿倦怠。于是先搁置一段时间,等有空了再把剩下的几张补齐。
手头有了一块新的开发板,Beagle Bone之中国版,中文叫BB-Black,入手两天但是一直在忙着翻译烤派宝典,没时间把玩。所以,剩下的4个章节,将采用一个星期完成一章的进度,慢慢将其翻译完。三天时间翻译完前面那么多章节,确实有点太赶,也难以保证翻译质量。

下一步可以在Beagle上写一个类似于Baking Pie这样的指南的。通过学习《Baking Pie》,也接触到了操作系统的初步, 一个系统写下来,很多概念不知不觉就懂了。在Beagle板子上做同样的事情有更大的挑战性。