Configure Network in rc.local

Following is the configuration of the vlan and whole network:
In rc.local, RHEL.

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

touch /var/lock/subsys/local

echo VLAN=yes > /etc/sysconfig/network 

/sbin/vconfig add eth1 10
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 11
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 12
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 13
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 30
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 40

/sbin/vconfig add eth1 100
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 110
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 120
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 130
/sbin/vconfig add eth1 200

/sbin/ifconfig eth1.10 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.10:11 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.11 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.12 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.13 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.30 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.30:11 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.40 netmask up

/sbin/ifconfig eth1.100 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.110 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.120 netmask up
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.130 netmask up

/sbin/ifconfig eth1.10 inet6 add fd00::410:172:10:1:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.10 inet6 add fd00::410:172:10:11:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.11 inet6 add fd00::411:172:11:1:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.12 inet6 add fd00::412:172:12:1:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.13 inet6 add fd00::413:172:13:1:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.30 inet6 add fd00::430:172:30:1:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.30 inet6 add fd00::430:172:30:11:88/64
/sbin/ifconfig eth1.40 inet6 add fd00::440:172:40:1:88/64

route add -net netmask dev eth1.40
/sbin/route add default gw dev eth1

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/mc_forwarding

modprobe sctp

#/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
#/usr/sbin/xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/
#echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
# Activate eth0 again. 
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up
/sbin/route add default gw dev eth0

For eth0 will lose configuration, so we add the eth0 again.

Moving System on 1T Harddisk(2)


Here are some tips for customize the existing system.
1. Add octopress directory to heroku repository.
Install heroku client tools:

$ yaourt -S heroku-client
$ heroku keys:add
Found existing public key: /home/Trusty/.ssh/
Uploading SSH public key /home/Trusty/.ssh/ done

Now in the copied octopress directory we could use git push command for pushing our website onto herokuapp.

2. MTP Device

sudo pacman -S libmtp

3. libvirt

sudo pacman -S libvirt

4. virtualbox-ext-oracle
By installing this you can use USB2.0.

yaourt -S virtualbox-ext-oracle

Download Virtualbox Guest ISO.
Set Proxy in virtualbox global.

add user “Trusty” to “vboxusers”:

$ gpasswd -a Trusty vboxusers
$ usermod -a -G vboxusers Trusty

Now the virtualbox could use usb. And be sure to run following at suitable place:

$ modprobe vboxdrv vboxnetflt vboxnetadp
$ modprobe vboxnetflt
$ modprobe vboxnetadp

4. Lumia On ArchLinux
I don’t have good options, but connect it into virtualbox and use it.
Install the corresponding driver. and browser your phone content in Windows 7.

5. lampp adjustment
Since the public directory is not available in my system, so I have to change the default directory from the octopress public to /opt/public.
Then, in Rakefile, add this line:

# Working with Jekyll #

desc "Generate jekyll site"
task :generate do
  raise "### You haven't set anything up yet. First run `rake install` to set up an Octopress theme." unless
  puts "## Generating Site with Jekyll"
  system "compass compile --css-dir #{source_dir}/stylesheets"
  system "jekyll"
  # Copy the content to the public directory
  system "sudo cp -r /home/Trusty/code/octo/heroku/Tomcat/public /opt"

6. gedit

sudo pacman -S gedit 

7. Remmina
I use remmina for connecting to my own Surface pro, because it will automatically “shrink” my Desktop for the right resolution. Install it via:

sudo pacman -S remmina

For Surface pro, because it has resolution as 1920x1080,so use toggle mode could get better effects.

8. aurget
This is a simple client for aur repository packages, install via yaourt

yaourt -S aurget

9. acpi
Using acpi for viewing the battery status:

sudo pacman -S acpi

10. Recordmydesktop
For recording specified screen and output to ogv or other format:

sudo pacman -S gtk-recordmydesktop recordmydesktop

11. Rss Reader
I installed liferea for view RSS.

sudo pacman -S liferea

12. Rstudio
RStudio is used for generate pdf from md(markdown) file.

sudo yaourt -S rstudio

13. pdflatex
Need it for compiling pdf out:

yaourt -S

14. you-get-git
For downloading videos from youtube/CNTV, etc..

yaourt you-get-git

15. git under proxy
The detailed configuration steps should be changed via:

git config --global core.gitproxy /usr/bin/myproxy

16. pandoc
Install pandoc via yaourt:

yaourt pandoc

17. wkhtmltopdf
Install wkhtmltopdf via pacman:

sudo pacman -S wkhtmltopdf
wkhtmltopdf -s A4  -B 10 -T 10 ./Output/CV_Chinese.html ./Output/CV_Chinese.pdf

-B Bottom Margin, -T Top Margin.

18. expect
For automatically login and doing processing.

sudo pacman -S expect

19. Minicom
Minicom is a serial port terminal tool for minitoring serial ports.

sudo pacman -S minicom

20. Multilib Support
Uncomment following 2 lines in /etc/pacman.conf:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

30. lib32-glibc
For using 32-bit applications:

sudo pacman -S lib32-glibc

31. ghex
For viewing the binary file under Linux:

sudo pacman -S ghex

32. lib32-gtk2
Install this for compatable for CodeSourcery’s toolchain installation:

sudo pacman -S lib32-gtk2

33. lib32 others:
Install following packages for CodeSourcery:

sudo pacman -S xulrunner lib32-xcb-util lib32-gtk-engines lib32-ncurses

34. fbreader:
fbreader is for opening the epub files:

sudo pacman -S fbreader

35. Auto update the dkms:
For building the virtualbox modules:

 sudo systemctl enable dkms.service

36. Fakeroot
For building some embedded systems.

sudo pacman -S fakeroot

37. dosfstools
Install it for obtains mkfs.vfat:

sudo pacman -S dosfstools

38. tsocks
For acrossing the company firewall:

sudo pacman -S tsocks

Then edit the configuration file:

$ cat /etc/tsocks.conf 
server =
server_type = 5
server_port = 1394

You can run tsocks gnome-terminal for getting a totally free terminal.

39. For building Android
Install required packages:

$ sudo pacman -S gcc-multilib lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline

Notice this will remove the gcc and gcc-libs, for gcc-libs-multilib and gcc-multilib will be conficted with the origin installed gcc and gcc-lib version.

Use Sun/Oracle JDK for compiling:

$ set2383
$ yaourt jdk6-compat
$ export JAVA_HOMNE=/opt/java6

For using virtualenv2 you have to install:

$ sudo pacman -S python2-virtualenv
$ virtualenv2 venv
New python executable in venv/bin/python2
Also creating executable in venv/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
$ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/* /media/y/embedded/Android/ubuntu/venv/python2.7/
$ repo sync
$ /bin/bash
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install make 3.81 for building:

$ sudo yaourt make 3.81
$ make-3.81 -j4

Lacking flex, install it via:

$ sudo pacman -S flex

Lacking gperf, install it via:

$ sudo pacman -S gperf

Install perl related(first configure as automatic, then install switch):

$ cpan App::cpanminus
$ cpanm Switch

Then install gcc44 from yaourt:

$ yaourt -S gcc44

Build with gcc44:

$ make-3.81 CC=gcc-4.4 CXX=g++-4.4 -j4

Met build error:

  error: aggregate ‘setrlimitsFromArray(ArrayObject*)::rlimit rlim’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined struct rlimit rlim; ^ 

Solution is simply to add #include <sys/resource.h> to dalvik/vm/native/dalvik_system_Zygote.cpp. When you met compatible, install gcc44-multilib:

yaourt -S gcc44-multilib 

39. pavucontrol
pavucontrol is A GTK volume control for PulseAudio, install it for redirecting the sound into the bluetooth device.

$ sudo pacman -S pavucontrol

40. nfs
For embedded Linux development, we have to use nfs(Network FileSystem) so we install it via:

sudo pacman -S nfs-utils

To be configured, because the parameters is complicated.

41. xclip
For using clipboard under X, we have to install this tool.

sudo pacman -S xclip

42. avidemux
For modify the videos under Linux:

sudo pacman -S avidemux avidemux-gtk

It couldn’t handle ogv format.

43. pitivi
Editor for audio/video projects using the GStreamer framework, we also add some plugins.

$ sudo pacman -S pitivi
$ sudo pacman -S gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly frei0r-plugins

But pitivi won’t run on archlinux, for lacking the pycanberra, so I try the openshot.

44. openshot

$ sudo pacman -S openshot

45. Mencoder:
For converting video format:

$ sudo pacman -S mencoder
$ mencoder output.flv -o video_final.flv -ovc copy -oac copy -audiofile xxx.mp3
$ ffmpeg -i
50项护理技术_27胃肠减压技术_土豆_高清视频在线观看_112507230.h264_1.f4v -codec
copy weichangjianya.mp4

46. ffmpeg:
For converting video format:

$ sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
$ ffmpeg -i out.ogv -vcodec libx264 -strict -2  output.mp4 

47. p7zip
p7zip is the linux version 7zip:

$ sudo pacman -S p7zip

48. Acrobat Reader
Sometimes evince will crash when viewing some embedded picture pdf, we use Acrobat Reader for viewing such pdfs:

$ sudo pacman -S acroread

Notice, acroread package only includes in archlinuxfr, so firstly you should add archlinuxfr in your pacman.conf.

49. Konsole
Since the gnome-terminal will be not see input line when you enable the new tabs, I install konsole and use it as default terminal:

$ sudo pacman -S kdebase-konsole

Change the default run command to zsh -l, this will enable the “run as login shell”, then change the default shortcuts, also you should change the default fonts just like we used set in xfce4-terminal/gnome-terminal.
Default font changes:

$ cat ~/.kde4/share/apps/konsole/Shell.profile
Font=YaHei Consolas Hybrid,13,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0

Now re-login your desktop environment(mine is awesome), you will found the font has been changed in the konsole terminal.
Alter the startup window of konsole, and don’t let it recovers to the last altered size:

50. pip-shadowsocks First you should install pip via:

$ sudo pacman -S python-pip
$ sudo pacman -S python2-pip

Since shadownsocks only support python2, install python2 is the right way.

$ sudo pip2 install shadowsocks

51. DNSutils
For querying the dns.

sudo pacman -S dnsutils

Then you could use host/dig/nslookup, etc.

52. gdisk
For format into gpt format’s fdisk:

sudo pacman -S gdisk

53. pandoc-static
For generating beautiful pdf and other formats of documentations.

# yaourt -S pandoc-static --noconfirm

54. ShadowSocks
For crossing the GFW:

sudo pacman -S shadowsocks

55. mtools
For using mcopy, etc:

sudo pacman -S mtools

56. lzop
File compressor using lzo lib, for compiling some images:

$ sudo pacman -S lzop

57. vnstat
For monitoring the network traffic:

$ sudo pacman -S vnstat
$ sudo systemctl start vnstat.service
$ sudo systemctl enable vnstat.service
$ sudo vnstat -u -i enp0s25

Use following commands for querying the traffic statistics:

$ vnstat -q

58. htop
For viewing the system performance, comparing to top, its display will be more clearly.

$ sudo pacman -S htop

59. virtualbox-ext-oracle
For enable usb or other attached devices:

yaourt -S virtualbox-ext-oracle

60. lighthttpd
For replacing the heavy xampp, use it for serving the static website:

sudo pacman -S lighttpd

61. Synergy
For sharing the mouse and keyboard between different systems.

sudo pacman -S synergy qsynergy

Moving System On 1T Harddisk


View the newly added harddisk via:

$ fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sdb: 931.5 GiB, 1000204886016 bytes, 1953525168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
[Trusty@/dev/disk/by-uuid]$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-id 
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jul 31 14:50 ata-WDC_WD10JPVX-00JC3T0_WD-WX31A54D4529 -> ../../sdb

Now we know the id of the harddisk, Create a vmdk file which links to this physical disk.

[Trusty@/media/x/Moving]$ pwd
[Trusty@/media/x/Moving]$ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ./moving.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10JPVX-00JC3T0_WD-WX31A54D4529 
RAW host disk access VMDK file ./moving.vmdk created successfully.
$ wget

Now create a new virtual machine in virtualbox. Begin to install.


The detailed steps could be viewed in my previous blogs, “moving-from-working-pc-to-own-usb-disk-based”.

$ pacman -S chromium firefox xorg xorg-xinit awesome xf86-video-intel xf86-video-ati pidgin thunderbird wget libreoffice gnome-terminal tigervnc xfce4  evince gimp smplayer alsa-utils gvim eclipse git subversion wireshark-gtk tcpdump ddd gdb meld qemu virtualbox wqy-bitmapfont wqy-microhei wqy-microhei-lite wqy-zenhei fcitx fcitx-libpinyin rox gpicview conky fcitx-googlepinyin nodejs cronie ntfs-3g liferea
$ pacman -S zsh
$ useradd -m -g root -G audio -s /bin/zsh Trusty
$ pacman -S sudo
# Add yaourt, and 
$ pacman -Syu && pacman -S yaourt
$ yaourt sipe webqq

Configure E-mail and Office Communicator:

Communicator:   UCCAPI/15.0.4481.1000 OC/15.0.4481.1000

Tips for reconfiguring:
1. Install fcitx-configtool, then we could configure the fcitx and let it add more input method, or the default one is english.
2. Install hdtemp, lm_sensors, which will be used in conkyrc.
3. Copy the .config/awesome, and copy the themes to /usr/share/awesome/themes, the directory is named wabbit. This step is required in this time’s installation, previous I don’t remember this step, perhaps awesome changes.
4. Goagent, install python2-pyopenssl. Then goagent could be used.
5. mycapscr:

$ mkdir ~/capscr
$ sudo pacman -S scrot
$ cat /usr/bin/mycapscr

6. Install xampp

$ sudo yaourt xampp, then configure it. 

7. Install udiskie for automount.
8. Install xlock-more for xlock.
9. Flash for chromium: yaourt chromium-pepper-flash. Then restart the chromim for using flash.
10. Enable the auto-login for ssh.

$ cat ~/.ssh/| ssh'cat >> /home/Trusty/.ssh/authorized_keys'
$ cat ~/.ssh/| ssh'cat>>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys'
$ cat ~/.ssh/| ssh 'cat>>~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

11. Font Configuration

$  sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/vista
$  sudo cp /mnt/usr/share/fonts/vista/YaHei.Consolas.1.11b.ttf /usr/share/fonts/vista
$  sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/fonts/vista/*.ttf
$  cd /usr/share/fonts/vista/
$  sudo mkfontscale && sudo mkfontdir && sudo fc-cache -fv

Then change the terminal font to YaHei
12. blog writing use:

$ echo insecure >> ~/.curlrc
$ curl -k --insecure  -L | bash -s stable --ruby
$ rvm install 1.9.3
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

You have to enable the terminal emulator’s setting by enable “Run command as login shell”.
Then you have to add the ssh key to the
13. Configure bridged network for qemu use.

# systemctl start systemd-networkd.service 
[root@TrustyArch network]# systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.
# systemctl disable dhcpcd@enp0s25
[root@TrustyArch Trusty]# systemctl enable dhcpcd@enp0s25
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service.
[root@TrustyArch Trusty]# systemctl disable dhcpcd@enp0s25
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
[root@TrustyArch network]# cat 

[root@TrustyArch network]# pwd

Now the network is configured to dhcpcd@enp0s25.

Continue to edit for bridge :

[root@TrustyArch network]# cat MyBridge.netdev 
[root@TrustyArch network]# cat 

[root@TrustyArch network]# cat 

$ systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service

Now restart and you will see the status via: systemctl status systemd-networkd.service

14. mlocate

sudo pacman -S mlocate
sudo updatedb

15. Whatpulse

yaourt whatpulse

Be sure to download the setup script, eg, the source code package, and grant all of the priviledge to your username.

16. Vim Customization
Copy the old .vimrc, and update it. Vundle will do everything for you.

17. Samba Configuration

sudo pacman -S samba

Then configure the samba configure, the configuration file should be the same or modifed from the old one.

$ sudo systemctl enable smbd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable nmbd.service
$ sudo systemctl start smbd.service
$ sudo systemctl start nmbd.service
$ sudo smbpasswd -a Trusty

Now in the guest machine you can use samba server for downloading.

18. Virtualbox Migration.
Create new machines using the exisiting hard-disk.

modprobe vboxdrv
modprobe vboxnetflt

Change the key for switching back to host system.
File->Preference->Input->Virtual Machine-> Host Key Combination.

19. Network Indicator
Install wicd via:

$ sudo pacman -S wicd wicd-gtk
$ sudo systemctl start wicd.service
$ sudo systemctl enable wicd.service

Then enable it in the awesome or change view files.
I enable it in rc.lua of awesome WM.

20. unrar

sudo pacman -S unrar 

21. Vrome Customization

set useletters=0

22. Opera

yaourt -S opera

23. Nautilus

sudo pacman -S nautilus

24. xampp configuration
Refer to 2014-04-23-deploy-xampp-on-archlinux.markdown

25. Firefox customization
Install Vimperator.
Install video download.

26. Nokia 525
Install gmtp via yaourt:

$ yaourt gmtp

27. Virtualbox Modules.
Add following definitions:

[root@TrustyArch modules-load.d]# cat virtualbox.conf 
vboxdrv vboxnetflt vboxnetadp
[root@TrustyArch modules-load.d]# pwd

28. Install qupzilla.

sudo pacman -S qupzilla

29. Install gitbook.

sudo npm install gitbook -g

30. Install calibre.

sudo pacman -S calibre

31. Install tree.

sudo pacman -S tree

32. gitbook-pdf
First install phantomjs:

yaourt -S phantomjs

Then :

sudo npm install gitbook-pdf -g

Then generate book via:

$ gitbook pdf ./my_repository

33. Auto logon Auto login in tty1 at start-up:

[Trusty@DashArch ~]$ sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d
[Trusty@DashArch ~]$ cat /etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf 
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin Trusty --noclear %I 38400 linux

Writing Style Under Linux


Use rake new_post for generate a new blog.

Use vim for editing the article:


Building the blogs:

Now build successful:


View the result in browser:


环境: ArchLinux


ArchLinux上安装git 和 ruby:

$ sudo pacman -S git ruby 

安装rvm, 因为我用代理的缘故,所以使用了-k --insecure 选项,如果你的网络未收到任何阻挠,推荐你使用curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby:

$ echo insecure >> ~/.curlrc
$ curl -k --insecure  -L | bash -s stable --ruby


[root@archi386 ~]# which rvm
[root@archi386 ~]# rvm install 1.9.3
[root@archi386 ~]# rvm use 1.9.3
Using /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547
[root@archi386 ~]# rvm rubygems latest
Rubygems 2.2.2 already available in installed ruby, skipping installation, use --force to reinstall.


[root@archi386 ~]# ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p547 (2014-05-14 revision 45962) [i686-linux]

在你定义的目录里, 安装Octopress:

$ git clone git:// octopress
$ cd octopress
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install


rake install

补充:在ArchLinux上,需要更改Gemfile: 添加下面两行:

  gem 'therubyracer'
  gem 'execjs'

而后执行bundle install后方可运行rake generate.


申请新的github帐号:申请你的github帐号, 提供一个例子如下:





$ rake setup_github_pages


$ rake generate
$ rake deploy


$ rake new_post["文章标题"]


Trouble Shooting

In ubuntu, you need to intall ruby-dev first, then you could use bundle install for building the local repository.
Or you will met:

Error: failed to build gem native extension

If you met following error,

YAML Exception reading index.markdown: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII

Then you should do following:

# For using bundle
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8