
TurnToJPG -->

Install via:

sudo pacman -S mdbook
$ yay mdbook-toc

For using cargo tuna mirror site, do following modifications:

$ vim  ~/.cargo/config 
replace-with = 'tuna'

registry = ""

Install pdf generation and pdf outline:

$ cargo install mdbook-pdf
$ pip install --break-system-packages mdbook-pdf-outline
$ vim ~/.zshrc
export PATH=/home/dash/.cargo/bin:/home/dash/.local/bin:$PATH

Now add following definition to your book:

command = "mdbook-toc"
renderer = ["html"]


## Set for auto-retrying if failed to generate PDF.
# trying-times = 1
## This backend only support latest Chromium based browsers, not Safari and Firefox currently.
## If needed, please specify the full path.
## If you specify the wrong binary, chances are that there will be a timeout error.
# browser-binary-path = ""
## Assign the static hosting site url so that relative links outside the book can be fixed.
#static_site_url = ""
## Check Chrome Devtools Protocol Docs for the explanation of the following params:
landscape = false
display-header-footer = true
print-background = true
theme = ""
scale = 0.8
paper-width = 8
paper-height = 10
margin-top = 0.5
margin-bottom = 0.5
margin-left = 0.5
margin-right = 0.5
page-ranges = ""
ignore-invalid-page-ranges = false
header-template = "<h3 style='font-size:8px; margin-left: 48%' class='title'></h3>"
footer-template = "<p style='font-size:10px; margin-left: 48%'><span class='pageNumber'></span> / <span class='totalPages'></span></p>"
prefer-css-page-size = true

like-wkhtmltopdf = true

Generate book pdf:

$ mdbook pdf
$ ls -l -h book/pdf-outline/*.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 dash root 8.8M May 17 10:00 book/pdf-outline/output.pdf