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Ubuntu18.04 configurating bluetooth headset VerveBuds115 steps:


Use blueman for configrating the headset connection/configuration.

# sudo apt-get install -y blueman

Add blueman into awesome’s startup function:

# cat ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua | grep blueman
run_once("blueman-applet &")

Configurating the blueman:


Choose A2dp.


Ubuntu18.04 use pulseaudio for default sound backend, so we use following tools for configurating the sound:

# sudo apt-get install -y pasystray
# sudo apt-get install -y pnmixer

Also add them into the awesome’s startup functions, thua after system bootup we could find the volume controlling in systray:

# vim ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
run_once("blueman-applet &")
run_once("pnmixer &")
run_once("pasystray &")

Bugs: By pnmixer we could only controlling the Intel PCH, but not bluetooth?