Ansible Tips on register and so on

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  1. 处理用户输入
vars_prompt, 设置KVMPassword的值为多少

- name: apply CloudStack configuration to all nodes
  hosts: cloudstackmanagement
  sudo: yes

  # Vars and vars_prompt

    - name: "KVMPassword"
      prompt: "KVM host root password"
      private: yes
  1. 可以使用when来界定用户输入值的有效
    - name: Validate input - KVMServer host password
      fail: msg="Missing or incorrect KVM Host password."
      when: KVMPassword is not defined or ( KVMPassword is defined and KVMPassword  == "" )

when 针对不同的返回值采取不同的行动(举某个安装命令yum/apt差别为例)

- name: Install the required  packages in Redhat derivatives
  yum: name={{ item }} state=installed
  with_items: network_pkgs
  when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

- name: Install the required packages in Debian derivatives
  apt: name={{ item }} state=installed update_cache=yes
  with_items: network_pkgs
  environment: env
  when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
  1. 某节点输出的值可以被写入到register中,譬如以下命令根据预定义参数,创建zone,管道输出后结果到ZoneID变量中。
    - name: Configure zone and add resources
      shell: cloudmonkey create zone name={{ CMConfig.ZoneName }} dns1={{ CMConfig.PublicDNS1 }} dns2={{ CMConfig.PublicDNS2 }} internaldns1={{ CMConfig.InternalDNS1 }} internaldns2={{ CMConfig.InternalDNS2 }} guestcidraddress={{ CMConfig.GuestCIDR }} networktype={{ CMConfig.NetworkType }} localstorageenabled=false | grep ^id | awk '{print $3}'
      register: ZoneID
  1. 对ZoneID变量的使用: {{ ZoneID.stdout }}
    - name: Create physical network 1
      shell:  cloudmonkey create physicalnetwork name={{ CMConfig.Phys1Name }} zoneid={{ ZoneID.stdout }} isolationmethods={{ CMConfig.Phys1Isolation }} vlan={{ CMConfig.Phys1VLANs }} | grep ^id | awk '{print $3}'
      register: Phys1ID