Working Tips on Ansible-cobbler(2)

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Change the vagrant box to libvirt, and let this libvirt machine working properly.

Image Transformation

Transform the image via following command:

$ VBoxManage clonehd /home/dash/VirtualBox\ VMs/ansible-cobbler_cobbler-ubuntu_1462410925173_15793/packer-virtualbox-iso-1454031074-disk1.vmdk /home/dash/output.img --format raw && qemu-img convert -f raw /home/dash/output.img -O qcow2 /home/dash/ansible-cobbler.qcow2
Clone medium created in format 'raw'. UUID: 6fbb99be-8004-43b5-831b-ec794a001c10

Qemu Virtual Machine

Create a new machine, then configure the networking, edit the cobbler setting/dhcp setting, then cobbler sync, now the cobbler is adjusting to new environment.

More detailed info could be seen in: