Deploy MAAS(6)

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More Nodes

I imported 2 3-G mem size nodes. 2 Nodes were created manually.
First we should set the constraint via:

$ juju bootstrap --metadata-source ~/.juju/metadata --upload-tools -v --show-log --constraints="mem=3G"

Then we can verify and imported these machines via:

$ juju get-constraints
$ juju add-machine
$ juju status
$ juju deploy --to 1 mysql

Deploy OpenStack

In first node, do following:

$ juju deploy --to 0 juju-gui
$ juju deploy --to lxc:0 mysql && juju deploy --to lxc:0 keystone && juju deploy --to lxc:0 nova-cloud-controller && juju deploy --to lxc:0 glance && juju deploy --to lxc:0 rabbitmq-server && juju deploy --to lxc:0 openstack-Trustyboard && juju deploy --to lxc:0 cinder

Then deploy the nova-compute node via:

$ juju deploy nova-compute