Enable Bluetooth Headset On ArchLinux

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Since my operating system upgraded, I have to re-set my bluetooth headset. I use A2DP via Bluez5/Pulseaudio.


First install following packages:

# pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa bluez bluez-libs bluez-utils

Then start the service via systemd:

# systemctl start bluetooth


I use an expect script for automatically connect to my MW600 and play:


# This script is for automatically scan my bluetooth headset, which is Sony-Errison mw-600

# Timeout should be very short in local
# set timeout 3

spawn ssh Trusty@localhost -Y
expect {
        "yes/no" {
                    send "yes\n"
            "assword" {
                        send "xxxxxxx!\n"
expect $

# Now we are in the controlled session, run bluetooth related commands.
send "bluetoothctl\r"
expect #
send "power on\r"
expect "yes"
send "agent on\r"
expect #
send "default-agent\r"
expect #
send "connect 8C:64:22:5F:FF:BD\r"
expect "connection successful" 
# Now exit the bluetoothctl
send "exit\r"
expect $

# After execute the command in this ssh session, simply exit. 
send "exit\r"
expect $

Everytime I want to use bluetooth headset, just run:

 $ /home/Trusty/auto/autobluetooth.sh && pavucontrol &

Flash Content

Install following package for let alsa use pulseaudio:

$ sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa

Restart opera(or other browser which calls flash), now your sound will be played via bluetooth.