Two Tips for setting

TurnToJPG -->

###Disable the vim wraping There is a line in ~/.vimrc:

	autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78

comment this line then everything goes OK. ###Change Awesome theme and change the titlebar width Download the 3rd party themes from, then copy them to your own theme location, normally under the “/usr/share/awesome/themes/", Choose whatever you want, and edit the ~/.config/awesome/default.rc.lua:


Save and exit then you got the new theme.
How to change the title bar?
In /usr/share/awesome/themes/wabbit/theme.lua, edit the following lines:

--theme.font          = "MonteCarlo medium 11"
theme.font          = "MonteCarlo medium 9"

I think 9 is good for me, but change this to 11 or bigger will make old men happy.
You can change this number into a very big or very small number, then some funny things will happen :)