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Env Preparation

Install VirtualBox 7.0.2:


View version:


Disable the dhcp server for default Host-only Networks:


VM Creation

Create a new vm(type Linux->Other Linux):


2 Cores, 2048MB Memory:


Specify centos85.vdi file for hard disk:


Configure the vm to specify its networking:


Visit should reach the ucc server web admin page:


UCC Client Testing

Create a new machine(type Windows 10):


2 Cores, 3072 MB Memory, Enable EFI:


Create 50 GB disk:


Configure this VM, select ICH9 as its chipset:


Enable Network as its boot sequence:


Change Network to host-only type:


System will boot into EFI shell, input exit to bios:


Select Boot Manage, press enter:


Select UEFI PXEv4 for booting:


pxe will boot into register name, input name ucctestwin10 for continue:


Click setup button for initialization this node:


Initialize the disk using the default parameters:


Now return to login page, the disk and network indication should be green, enter username/password for continue:


Click TCI for downloading the package and boot into windows 10:


windows 10 in virtualbox:


Don’t try idv, cause in virtualbox it will run into error:


Ubuntu Verification

Upload the image and copy it into corresponding directory:


Register image in UCC Server admin pages:


Create a new machine for testing Ubuntu:


2Core, 2048 MB , enable uefi:


Select ICH9 for chipset, and enable the network boot:


Change the network:


exit and into the bios:


Boot Manager and select UEFI PXEv4:


Register client:


Initialize the disk:


Select Ubuntu for downloading and boot into system:


Ubuntu desktop:
