
TurnToJPG -->


Install microsoft visual studio code via:

$ sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
#The Chinese Arch Linux communities packages.
SigLevel = Never
Server   =$arch
$ sudo pacman -Sy
$ sudo pacman -S visual-studio-code-bin

Install Plugin

Install via:


Install prince(for converting to pdf)via:

$ sudo pacman -S prince-bin

Configure the stylesheet for prince’s generated output:

$ cat ~/.mume/style.less
/* Please visit the URL below for more information: */
/* */ 

.markdown-preview.markdown-preview {
  // modify your style here
  // eg: background-color: blue;  
  &.prince {
    @page {
      //size: A4 landscape
      size: A4 PortraitModes
    @font-face {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-style: normal;
      font-weight: normal;
      src: url("/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-han-sans/SourceHanSansCN-Regular.otf")

  @font-face {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-style: normal;
      font-weight: bold;
      src: url("/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-han-sans/SourceHanSansCN-Bold.otf")

  @font-face {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-style: italic;
      font-weight: normal;
      src: url("/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-It.otf")
      //src: url("/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-han-sans/SourceHanSansCN-Regular.otf")

  @font-face {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-style: italic;
      font-weight: bold;
      src: url("/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-BoldIt.otf")
      //src: url("/usr/share/fonts/adobe-source-han-sans/SourceHanSansCN-Bold.otf")

Or edit the css via ctrl+shift+p and Run Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Css, Insert the above code.