Tips on Veewee and Vagrant

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Install Veewee

First you should get rvm avaiable, then use rvm for install ruby-2.2.1:
Note: you should import gpg signature via commandline.

$ proxychains4 curl -k --insecure  -L | bash -s stable --ruby
$ proxychains4 rvm install ruby-2.2.1 

Install the veewee via:

$ proxychains4 gem install bundler
$ git clone
$ cd veewee
$ proxychains4 gem install i18n -v '0.7.0'
$ proxychains4 bundle install

After installation createing an alias for quickly refers to veewee:

$ alias veewee="bundle exec veewee version"

Bug-fix: for adding net/scp in the Gemfile:

$ vim Gemfile
+ gem "net-scp"

Install Vagrant

Since the vagrant provided via Ubuntu14.04 is pretty old, we have to download it from vagrant’s official website and dpkg install it.

Install veewee plugins:

$ proxychains4 vagrant plugin install veewee

Create new definition

Create new definition via:

$ veewee vbox define awesome-ubuntu-server ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64
The basebox 'awesome-ubuntu-server' has been successfully created from the template
You can now edit the definition files stored in
/home/dash/Code/veewee/definitions/awesome-ubuntu-server or build the box with:
veewee vbox build 'awesome-ubuntu-server' --workdir=/home/dash/Code/veewee

Now start building:

$ veewee vbox build awesome-ubuntu-server

Speed-up Building

Use Local Installation ISO:

$ vim definitions/awesome-ubuntu-server/definition.rb
+   :iso_src => "",
$ vim ./lib/veewee/provider/virtualbox/box/helper/guest_additions.rb
+          url="{isofile}"

Force ruby for using local installation:

$ vim definitions/awesome-ubuntu-server/
tar xvzf ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.tar.gz

File Position

The generated image position is listed in:

➜  awesome-ubuntu-server  pwd
/home/dash/VirtualBox VMs/awesome-ubuntu-server
➜  awesome-ubuntu-server  du -hs *
3.2G    awesome-ubuntu-server1.vdi
8.0K    awesome-ubuntu-server.vbox
8.0K    awesome-ubuntu-server.vbox-prev
68K     Logs