Oct 19, 2015
1. Logsnash/Zabbix
Use Zabbix for monitoring the CloudStack Agents/Management Node?
2. OpenStack Liberty
3. Newly added todoes
Added todoes issue in .zshrc:
alias vitodos='cdheroku && vim source/_posts/2015-10-19-todothings-1.markdown'
alias cattodos='cdheroku && cat source/_posts/2015-10-19-todothings-1.markdown'
4. Improve Your Efficiency
5. BenchMarking
ArchLinux Tools For Benchmarking
6. Performance Monitoring
nagios and weixin.
7. Data Visualization
Draw air pollution in Graphite?
8. Autossh
Auto ssh connection for some computer acrossing the internet.
9. Quickly
I want to write some scripts for quickly setup the O..Stack env.
10. RunOrNot
It’s an app for judging run or not via fetching the data from various weather and pm25 webiste, and generate the report.