Automatically Create Virtual Machine
Aug 13, 2015
Just record the whole scripts for create/define/start the vm machine.
# $1: The name of the virtual machine.
### 1. Check Input Parameters.
if [ $# != 1 ]
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
echo "!! Parameters error !!"
echo "!! Example: ./ name !!"
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
exit 1
### 2. Create the qcow2 file in local directory.
echo $1
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b /home/juju/img/WolfHunter/SpaceWalk/Base/packer-ubuntu-1204-server-i386 $1.qcow2
### 3. Generate Random MAC Address.
printf -v macaddr "52:54:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" $(( $RANDOM & 0xff)) $(( $RANDOM & 0xff )) $(( $RANDOM & 0xff)) $(( $RANDOM & 0xff ))
# echo $macaddr
### 3.1 Check whether this MAC Address is in the host's existing items.
declare maclist
### 3.2 Get the MAC Address List
for vm in $(virsh list --all | tail -n +3 | awk '{print $2}')
# Multiple NIC need this.
for mac_item in $(virsh dumpxml $vm | grep "mac address" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}')
# echo $mac_item
# echo ${maclist[*]}
# echo ${#maclist[@]}
### 3.3 Processing possible duplicated problem.
### We don't hope the generate random mac address to be duplicated, so write whatever you want to see under the while loop for debugging
### Judge if the generated random mac address duplicated.
while [[ ${maclist[*]} =~ ${macaddr} ]]
echo "yes, you entered while for changing the mac address!"
printf -v macaddr "52:54:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" $(( $RANDOM & 0xff)) $(( $RANDOM & 0xff )) $(( $RANDOM & 0xff)) $(( $RANDOM & 0xff ))
echo $macaddr
### 3.4 Only for debugging purpose, view result
### For debugging purpose
### if [[ ${maclist[*]} =~ ${macaddr} ]]
### then
### echo "Yes, it's in the existing mac list"
### else
### echo "Congratulations, it's safe to use this mac!"
### fi
### echo $macaddr
### 4. Create new xml file and modify the xml file.
### 4.1 Create the file
mkdir -p xml
cp ./Template.xml ./xml/$1.xml
### 4.2 Remove the uuid(Virt-manager will automatically generate it)
sed -i '/uuid/d' ./xml/$1.xml
### 4.3 Replace the MAC Address
sed -i -r "s/(.*)([a-zA-Z0-9]{2}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2})(.*)/\1$macaddr\3/g" ./xml/$1.xml
### 4.4 Replace the virt disk file
echo $imagepath
sed -i "s#<source file.*#<source file='$imagepath'/>#g" ./xml/$1.xml
### 5. Change the VM Name
sed -i "s#<name.*#<name>$1</name>#g" ./xml/$1.xml
### 6. Define and Start VM Machine
virsh define $PWD/xml/$1.xml
virsh start $1
Steps for create the machine:
# ./ zz_bee1