Virtual Node Environment For PhoneGap Development
Dec 1, 2014
I met some tutorials which were write one or two years ago, while at that time the corresponding plugins are in an old version, so I need to find a whole “virtual” environment for developing these tutorials.
Install Nodeenv
“Node.js virtual environment builder” — is the introduction for Nodeenv.
Install it via:
$ virtualenv2 venv
source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install nodeenv
(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ which nodeenv
(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ nodeenv --version
With this nodeenv we could setup all kinds of the dev environments.
Wrok With Nodeenv
Install the node.js first, this may cause long time:
(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ nodeenv nodeenv
* Install node.js (0.10.33
[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ du -hs *
170M nodeenv
8.9M venv
(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ ls
nodeenv npm-debug.log venv
(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ . nodeenv/bin/activate
(nodeenv)(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ which npm
(nodeenv)(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ which node
Now we could install the specified version of PhoneGap, first we should find the specified versions:
$ npm view phonegap
This will returns the specified versions of all of the phonegap.
Choose whichever you want.
$ npm install phonegap@2.9.0-rc1-0.12.2
This will install the phonegap around Dec,2013, which should be fit well to the tutorial.
Then re-activate , or manually modify the PATH as:
$ export PATH=/home/Trusty/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0/nodeenv/bin:$PATH
(nodeenv)(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ phonegap -v
Run Tutorial
Create Apps
Create the app via following command:
(nodeenv)(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ npm config set https_proxy
(nodeenv)(venv)[Trusty@~/code/30days/PhoneGap2.9.0]$ npm config set proxy
$ phonegap create audero-feed-reade "Audero Feed Reader"