Porting Weather APP Into Node.js(3)

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Get the timstamp of the record

ObjectID could automatically store the insert timestamp, see following command:

> db.usercollection.find().pretty()
> ObjectId("53be4e7eb5ca215e38c5f651").getTimestamp()
> ObjectId("53be4e7cb5ca215e38c5f650").getTimestamp()

Time Format

Run following commands to get the timestamp since 1970:

> day=new Date()
Sat Jul 12 2014 21:15:10 GMT+0800 (CST)
> day
Sat Jul 12 2014 21:15:10 GMT+0800 (CST)
> day.getTime()

The date which we fetched should be multiply 1000.
And write a for loop for getting out the real date:

      // helper function
      function getDate(d) {
          return new Date(d);
      // Refers to 1405170910049
      // WhatWeGet 1405170047
      // Should multiply 1000, Print out all of the timestamp
      for ( kk = 1; kk < 24; kk++)

Print the type of the variable:

console.log(typeof (#{weatherlist[3].Temperature}));