DXG ScreenSaver Hack

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First, download the ScreenSavers hacker form:
And unzip this file, copy the “Update_ss_0.43.N_dxg_install.bin” to the root directory of Kindle.

Then In kindle, [HOME] -> [MENU] > Settings -> [MENU] > Update Your Kindle. The DXG will automatically reboot.
Now mount the DXG into your computer, touch the “last” file under the linkss folder, as:

	[root@XXXyyy mnt]# cd linkss/
	[root@XXXyyy linkss]# ls
	auto        backups  cover_cache  info.txt          overflow  screensavers
	autoreboot  bin      etc          mounted_824x1200  run
	[root@XXXyyy linkss]# touch last

Now reboot your Kindle Again, your Kindle will remain the last read page as the ScreenSaver.