Reading Digests for APP2E

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###Preparation Download the files from the student’s website of app2e via:

	tar xvf code.tar

Start building the static libs and copy it to system library:

	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ pwd
	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ cp /home/Trusty/code/app2e/code/src/csapp.c  .
	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ cp /home/Trusty/code/app2e/code/include/csapp.h  .
	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ gcc -c -o csapp.o csapp.c 
	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ ar rcs libcsapp.a csapp.o
	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ sudo cp libcsapp.a  /usr/lib/
	[Trusty@XXXyyy lib]$ sudo cp csapp.h  /usr/include/

Now you can directly use libcssapp.a in your own files:

#include <csapp.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int n;
	rio_t rio;
	char buf[MAXLINE];
	return 0;

Compile the file via:

	gcc -o test test.c


#include <csapp.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int n;
	rio_t rio;
	char buf[MAXLINE];

	Rio_readinitb(&rio, STDIN_FILENO);
	while((n = Rio_readlineb(&rio, buf, MAXLINE)) != 0)
		Rio_writen(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n);
	return 0;

Compile the file via:

	gcc -o cpfile cpfile.c  -lcsapp -lpthread

Run the app via:


This will print the cpfile.c content on the stdout screen.