Correcting My Weather Script
Nov 2, 2013
Due to Nanjing Environmenmental Monitoring System changed their website, my python script can’t fetch the correct data from this page, I have to find another data source, from, but this source has about 1 hour’s delay to the official site.
Because the source changes, the previous script can’t work any more, I made following changes, following is the changes in python code
# table which contians the atmosphere information
table = soup.find('table', {'id':'xiang1'})
for subrows in rows:
if "玄武湖" in subrows.text:
XuanwuLake = subrows
XuanwuLake_subitem = XuanwuLake.findAll('td')
# PM 2.5
pm_array[1] = XuanwuLake_subitem[3].text
# PM 10
pm_array[0] = XuanwuLake_subitem[4].text
# Fetch only the digits from the output
insert_pm25 = int('\d+', pm_array[1]).group())
insert_pm10 = int('\d+', pm_array[0]).group())
# Insert into the database
cur.execute('insert into foo values(?, ?, ? , ? ,?)', (word1, word2, insert_pm10, insert_pm25, currenttime_linux))
Also because the pollution is too serious, we have to change the following lines:
- yaxis: { min: 0, max: 200},
+ yaxis: { min: 0, max: 300},
After reboot, we then see the result is updated .
###Tips on delete the inserted sqlite3 records
$ sqlite /srv/www1/weather1.db
sqlite> select * from foo
sqlite> .schema foo
CREATE TABLE foo (d_temper integer, d_humi integer, d_pm10 integer, d_pm25 real, d_time timestamp);
sqlite> delete from foo where d_time = 1383395165000;