Crontab in ArchLinux
Oct 9, 2013
1. Install Crontab in ArchLinux
$ pacman -S cronie
2. Enable the cronie at startup.
$ systemctl enable cronie.service
$ systemctl start cronie.service
# Display the crontab jobs
$ crontab -l
3. Edit the crontab jobs:
# 1. minute (0-59)
# | 2. hour (0-23)
# | | 3. day of month (1-31)
# | | | 4. month (1-12)
# | | | | 5. day of week (0-7: 0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
# | | | | | 6. commandline
# | | | | | |
#min hr dom mon dow command
00 13 * * * . /etc/profile && (echo; date; yes |pacman -Syuq) &>>$LOGFILE || (echo 'pacman failed!'; tail $LOGFILE; false)
00 13 * * * updatedb && date>>/root/done.txt
4. Now your job will be done automatically.