
TurnToJPG -->


1. 安装python虚拟运行环境,因为ArchLinux上的python版本是3,需要安装2.x的python,如果你能确认自己机器上的python版本是2,这步可以忽略:

$ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv2
$ workon venv2

2. 安装beautiful soup和pywapi, pip是python安装环境,BeautifulSoup用来解析html/xml, pywapi是一个用于取得天气数据的库:

$ pip install BeautifulSoup 
$ pip install pywapi

3. 输入下面的代码, 将此文件存放为/usr/bin/genhtm.py, 并赋予执行权限:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Using BeautifulSoup for analyse the html file
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
# Using pywapi for getting the weather data
import pywapi
import string
# Using django for generating the data
from django.template import Template, Context
from django.conf import settings
settings.configure() # We have to do this to use django templates standalone - see
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/98135/how-do-i-use-django-templates-without-the-rest-of-django
# Time
from time import gmtime, strftime, localtime

def printweather(city):
	print "\nYahoo says: It is " + string.lower(yahoo_result['condition']['text']) + " and " + yahoo_result['condition']['temp'] + " C now in " + city + "!"#ShangHai, MODU!!!!"
	print "Yahoo says the humidity is " + string.lower(yahoo_result['atmosphere']['humidity'])
	print "Yahoo says the sunrise is " + string.lower(yahoo_result['astronomy']['sunrise'])
	print "Yahoo says the sunset is " + string.lower(yahoo_result['astronomy']['sunset'])

i = 0

########### Generate the PM2.5 and PM10 Information of NanJing #######
page = urllib2.urlopen("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
table = soup.find('table', {'class':'table01'})
rows = table.findAll('tr')
for tr in rows:
	cols = tr.findAll('td')
	if len(cols) >=4 and "PM" in cols[0].text and "1" in cols[1].text:
		#print cols[0].contents[0]+' '+cols[0].sub.string+'\t'+cols[2].string
		#pm_array[i] = cols[0].contents[0]+' '+cols[0].sub.string+'\t'+cols[2].string
		pm_array[i] = cols[2].string
		i = i+1

########### Generate the Weather Information from Yahoo Weather#######
yahoo_result = pywapi.get_weather_from_yahoo('CHXX0099')
word1 = string.lower(yahoo_result['condition']['temp'])
word2 = string.lower(yahoo_result['atmosphere']['humidity'])

# Our template. Could just as easily be stored in a separate file
template = """
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<p>{{ temper }} C</p>
<p>{{ humi }} %</p>
<p>{{ pm10 }}</p>
<p>{{ pm25 }}</p>
<h2>I Feel as if I will be choked!!!</h2>
<h2>Generated at: </h2>
<p>{{ generated_time }}</p>

t = Template(template)
c = Context({"title": "NanJing Weather&PM10/2.5 Data",
             #"mystring":"string from code",
	     "temper" : word1,
	     "humi" : word2,
	     "pm10" : pm_array[0],
	     "pm25" : pm_array[1],
	     "generated_time" : strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()),
f = open('/srv/www1/index.html', 'w')


4. 配置nginx, 使其配置指向我们刚才生成的文件夹/srv/www1/, 由于默认的文件名为index.html,nginx可以正确处理html请求,一个配置例子如下, 具体的配置需要根据自己机器的实际情况来配置:

server {
	listen   8009; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied
	#listen   [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6

	root /srv/www1;
	index index.html index.htm;

	# Make site accessible from http://localhost/
	server_name localhost;


$ crontab -e
*/60 * * * * /usr/bin/genhtml.py
